Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Color Club Cherubic

I started this one out with completely different intentions. It was going to be a french and I was going to use holos but I couldn't choose which ones and how. So I got frustrated and procrastinated and finally did it with just one color. It turned out well anyhow, I wore it for a whole day but I still wanted to do more with it. I think I've finally settled.

My nails are stained yellow. I've tried different bases, I've tried the white as a base, and for whatever reason they just don't work for me. Normally this wouldn't be an issue because I almost always have nail polish on so who cares. But as I've just told you that I did a french manicure with only one color, I think you can see where this is going.

Sunlight! Holy hell!

Nice and blurry indirect sun.
I don't think it's TOO too bad of a yellow but it's noticeable and I was sorta paranoid about it. I like the color combo, I thought that was a pretty neat idea in the end. I also got several compliments on it even with my paranoia. I needed to do something else though to make me less self-conscious.

As I was staring forlornly at the yellow, I noticed that when I painted the clear that some of the holo was picked up from the tips and dragged through it on a couple of the nails. Solution found! I took a bit of clear base, added a small amount of the Cherubic, sloshed it around...

Much less paranoid about that. I can barely tell it's there anymore unless I'm really looking. So yay, that worked out well.

Would you look at that holo?! Even MUCH thinned out, it's still divine.


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