Monday, November 11, 2013

OPI Beauty Brands Exclusives: Teal Me How Chic I Look and GlitterChic

Beauty Brands is one of those stores I try to avoid. Little kid, candy store--except this kid has a more expensive addiction than to the stuff in the penny candy jars!

For all the orders I've made to Beauty Brands online, though, I am somehow not on their mailing list. Then Jess texted me a picture of their recent email blast with the caption "I'm going to need you to go to Beauty Brands for me" and I immediately crammed a trip to the brick and mortar into my immediate future.

Here's the photo she sent me:

The long and short of it is, OPI has released two shades that are exclusive to Beauty Brands, Teal Me How Chic I Look and GlitterChic:

Also, that's a deal of a price, so I went and picked them up. And for right now, I could not be more happy that I did. Here, have some swatches! (Also, I hear that we do not feature the cats enough on the blog. Lucy, my gorgeous girl, did her best to change that by not allowing me any space while painting or photographing these polishes.)

Teal Me How Chic I Look is a rich teal with incredible shimmer. If you look closely at the bottle, you can see tiny flecks of gold shimmer. I love this color so much, I can see it becoming one of my go-to polishes, right next to OPI's I'm Not Really A Waitress.

Here's Lucy, serving as background to this gorgeous teal shade.

NOT loving the damage on the nail of my middle finger.
Up next is GlitterChic, a spectacular glitter top coat which turned into not totally opaque but passable glitter shells in three coats. I doubt I can pick out all the colors and sizes but I'll try. I can see two sizes each of silver, green, turquoise, fuchsia, orange, red, and gold. And now I am vaguely disappointed that I couldn't add purple to the list and complete the rainbow! I put one coat of the glitter on my Teal Me How Chic I Look accent nail.

Disregard the dry cuticles. I ran out of cuticle oil, sigh.
Best close up I could get of the bottle. LOOK AT THOSE COLORS!
And now, saving the best for last...nominated in the category "Best Swatch Photo Ruined By A Cat's Demand For Attention", I present...Lucy!

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